Riverdale High School - Dedication Page

In Memory of....

Ian Gourlay - 1966 Grad

Unfortunately, Ian passed away March 2000 after a very brave fight with cancer.

Margaret Gourlay - Sister

Since graduation, Ian's and my paths frequently crossed. In
addition to being classmates, we also worked together from 1974 to 1977. My fondest memories of Ian arise from my infrequent visits to Toronto when we would arrange to meet at one of the hotspots in Toronto. We would spend hours reminiscing, sharing a few laughs and possibly having a few too may drinks. Although these get-togethers spanned almost four decades, the time between them varied from months to years. The infrequency didn't matter, as we fondly looked forward to catching up from where we left off.

Sadly, we lost touch a few years before his last struggle. When I belatedly heard of his death, I knew that a cherished part of my life was gone forever. I wish I could have been there for you Buddy!

Ian, thanks for the memories, the ruler, those -30 degree ski trips and, most of all, for being my friend. Everytime I have a B-52, I will lift it skywards in your honor. I will never forget you.

George Thompson - Friend

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