Riverdale High School - Dedication Page

In Memory of....

Alison Young - 1966 Grad

I noted that Alison Young was listed as a no Contact. Alison ,Janet Buxton and I went on to compete our RN in 1970. Sadly,Alison died a year and 1/2 later of leukemia. I think about Alison often .

Alison was intelligent ,had a sharp wit and was always up for an adventure. When she was sixteen she bought a little peugot car and we were good to go. Alison was the brains and sense of our mottly crew.Janet came from a family of nine children and they were a well oiled machine , long lists of duties/shared child care were made up two weeks in advance. Janet was required to give two weeks notice to her dad. So away we went, tent tied to the roof rack ,a cooler, sleeping bags and $25.00 each. My sister Pat Rolfe(class of 1968) and I were veteran campers, our parents took us on epic camp trips.We went to Messina lake (Alyson Hooley went that time,I'm not sure what she told her mom??),Plattsburg and later 3 weeks in Virginia Beach.

Alison kept five giggling teenagers focused and mostly out of trouble with men. Around a campfire we met interesting people, were free and full of optimism and joy. I will always be grateful to Alison for these happy memories cherished forever .

Lynda Rolfe class of 66


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