Riverdale Connect Alumni Website

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Welcome to RiverdaleConnect Website
Alumni for Riverdale High School, Pierrefonds, Quebec, Canada.

Welcome to the "60's" Alumni Website
Plus 1970-73 Pages and Yearbooks
Email & Site Links for all years!

Founded in 1964, Riverdale High School is an English language secondary school located in Pierrefonds, Quebec. 

Due to other commitments this Website is no longer being updated. I will continue to host the website but website maintenance will no longer be administrated by Beverley McLaughlin (Chapman). A new website will be created for the 2015 - Riverdale High School 50th reunion and they will be enlisting a new Webmaster. I have enjoyed my season as webmaster on this site but do not presently have the time to continue maintaining the site. Looking forward to seeing many of you at the 50th Reunion.
Check out info on Facebook
- https://www.facebook.com/groups/488328794548335/


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Visitors since 2005

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